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爱丽丝梦游仙境2:镜中奇遇记 (2016)

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爱丽丝梦游仙境2:镜中奇遇记 (2016) - 冒险 电影 115 分钟. Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass, Alice in Wonderland 2, Through the Looking Glass, Into the Looking Glass, 거울 나라의 앨리스, Алиса в стране чудес 2, Alicia en el pais de las maravillas 2, アリス・イン・ワンダーランド/時間の旅, Alice do Outro Lado do Espelho, Alice Através do Espelho, Alice Ở Xứ Sở Trong Gương, Алиса айнаның арғы бетінде, Alice in Wonderland 2: Alice Through the Looking Glass, Alisa iza ogledala. 爱丽丝·金斯利作为船长纵横四海3年后回到伦敦,却发现对于女性社会角色的陈腐观念依然盛行,她为自己所设想的未来可能无法成为现实。此时白皇后希望她借助时空魔球回到过去去拯救疯帽子匠全家。而被流放外域的红皇后也与“时间”结盟,并暗中计划偷取时空魔球。爱丽丝回到过去,与各个朋友和敌人在不同的时间点上交错,并且与红皇后和时间本人在时间的海洋上展开了一场奇妙的追逐。 , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

爱丽丝梦游仙境2:镜中奇遇记 (2016)

Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass, Alice in Wonderland 2, Through the Looking Glass, Into the Looking Glass, 거울 나라의 앨리스, Алиса в стране чудес 2, Alicia en el pais de las maravillas 2, アリス・イン・ワンダーランド/時間の旅, Alice do Outro Lado do Espelho, Alice Através do Espelho, Alice Ở Xứ Sở Trong Gương, Алиса айнаның арғы бетінде, Alice in Wonderland 2: Alice Through the Looking Glass, Alisa iza ogledala-
Rating 6.559
发布日期: May 25, 2016 运行时间: 115 分钟 : 4.441/10 by 6485 位用户


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